Let me tell you clearly if you get a wife through the Facebook, you would lose her through the Youtube.
It is unfortunate that several people prefer to focus on their relationship with God; hence they keep drifting further away from God's sure place of provision.
The first and biggest victory of all is victory over your own self.
One of the ways the Holy Spirit will help you is that He will warn you of impending danger.
Once a person steps into sin, the stagnating power of sin becomes activated in the person's life.
No man can claim total victory until he gets home (Heaven).
Nothing happens except God allows it, nobody comes to government except God allows it. Even if the election are rigged.
If you don't conquer yourself you're like a city without walls.
Whenever you find it difficult to obey those over you, whether you like it or not, you are guilty of pride.
If you buy a car with a money you didn't earn lawfully you'll be riding in a moving coffin.
God will not give you a temptation beyond what you're able to handle.
Let is deliberately raise an alter of praise today. for the things we want to see in our live, family and nation.
If your worship is devoid of humility, it will not be accepted.
If you're truly born again the seed of God dwells in you and as such you can't sin. It is not in your gene.
Christians are the light of the world – should be shining a light not being the salt of the earth which is only of use if its applied – so I think we should be doing more than we are doing now.
Many are poor because of their sole reliance on government for everything.