Even with our world being so full of fear, danger and calamity, we can learn how to take advantage of the absolute security God has promised.
God first brings us to Himself to be His own redeemed people. His plan is that we are to leave all and follow Him. It requires total commitment to become a 'fisher of men.'
We live in a society that constantly promotes, 'self.' 'It's all about me!' we say. Often we fail to understand that the Church has a collective purpose.
Many people think that if they have always lived rightly and done their duty, God owes them righteousness or justification-that it is a debt they’re due. But in actual fact, God doesn't owe anything to anybody.
You are a masterpiece, fashioned expertly by God Himself. When you think of all that God has created, that is an amazing thought.
The one who is sanctified is in an area where God has access to him, but the devil does not.
God is in the midst of fashioning His temple out of His most precious material... people. You are part of that temple, being built into a structure to God’s specifications.
Just like righteousness, sanctification does not come by effort or by religion, but only by faith in the blood of Jesus. To be sanctified is to be set apart to God.
We can experience security for every area of our lives simply by locking into God's will. Listen closely and learn how to know and do God’s will in each and every situation.
The Bible lays tremendous emphasis on marriage. Marriage plays a central part in the Bible, being patterned after Jesus and His Bride, the church.
We are no longer in the devil's territory, no longer under the devil’s law. His kingdom does not apply to us because we are in another kingdom.
Today we will discover how God is training us as His Army. Whether we realize it or not, we are in an ongoing war with unseen forces.
God dwells in a temple made not by hands but by divine workmanship, according to divine purpose. That temple is the body of the believer, redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ.
Satan's tactics worked in heaven and they work on earth. He goes about spreading slander and rebellion.
God created mankind to represent Him in the earth and to take dominion. And, Satan's primary objective is to destroy God’s purposes and God’s people.
We have to put to death the deeds of the body. God does not do it for us; He has given us the legal right, authority, and power, but we must exercise them.