Whatever you think is where you’ll end up. God’s Word transforms your mind and will change your life. God meets you at the level of your belief.
Faith is the way we get things done; we can live in this earthly economy with heaven’s resources. What you see is not all there is. Faith sees the invisible, faith is now.
Faith and believing are two sides of the same coin, if one is missing its a counterfeit.
Anything that the devil would attempt to throw at us, Jesus took it all. Any kind of mental or physical sickness, Jesus took it ALL!
Faith doesn’t work through your flesh. Stop trying to feel something. Your proof is in the Word of God.
Once you receive what God says is yours you will have joy. Joy gives you strength to stand until you see manifestation.
The secret is being content, satisfied no matter the circumstance. Choose to be thankful.
Provision and all spiritual blessings are already laid up for you. God has unlimited provision in Heaven’s storehouse.
You cannot go any further in faith than you believe and you cannot believe unless you have heard the Word of God preached, it is the only source of faith.
You have to receive God’s Word by faith. Speak the solution from God’s Word to change the situation. Keep speaking God’s word to plant it in your spirit, which is designed to grow your self image.
Without the anointing, there are burdens you can't remove.
You have the mind of Christ and will always end up where you believe. God’s Word will prosper your soul.
To be rich is your birthright (Revelation 5:12); the saving of every soul is your responsibility.
Your job becomes your pulpit, your performance becomes your platform, and the marketplace becomes your parish.
Real faith is sharing responsibility with God.
When you operate in the spirit you can get to the root cause of everything. The Word of God can do the impossible!