I learned long ago not to trust in pedestals, but to keep my faith in God and my mind anchored in His Word.
When you're in a tough situation, just keep being your best and keep honoring God. He has already given you the strength, wisdom and favor to not only to make it through, but to come out better than you were before.
A person who has trust issues always feels the need to control. Grace gives liberty in relationships as it loves. It frees you to be you.
You may attract a lot of hatred because of your RACE, GRACE, FACE or PLACE. In spite of all that, FEAR NOT! You'll prevail.
Today is a new day. Don't bring yesterday's regret, mistakes or frustrations into today. It's a new beginning.
As you walk in obedience, the ridiculous will become the miraculous. The hand of God will be EVIDENT in your life.
Make room for God to do something big in your life this moment. Go out every day with this expectancy: "God is working in your life right now." Thank Him for unexpected blessings, for divine connections, and for unprecedented favor.
You may find yourself in a place in life where you are unhappy. But if you want to move on, you have to learn to get happy where you are. Waiting on the Lord doesn't mean sitting with your hands folded; it means to get busy about the Father's business!
Jesus is alive. He still changes lives. He still empowers disciples to change the world. He still heals broken hearts.
If the enemy cannot break your FOCUS, then he cannot stop your destiny. Don't lose your FOCUS.
The life of faith is like mountain climbing. The higher we climb, the more we see and the stronger we become in our faith. We are strong in faith when we completely surrender all - our troubles and cares - to Him. This is what the Bible means by seeking first the Kingdom of God.
I don't think that you can let the storms of life overwhelm you. When you do that, you are no better than the craziness that caused you to be under attack.
We were never created to go through life constantly struggling and weighed down. His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Release what you have in your hand and exchange it for His blessing!
Everything God has promised you will come to pass! There is an appointed time and you will step into it in this season.
God is on a search and rescue mission to recover every single lost or broken thing in your life. Victory is imminent!
Ask BIG this year; think BIG this year; & watch God prove Himself even BIGGER. He is able to do above & beyond! Eph 3:20